Why We Are Here..

We created this blog to keep family and friends up to date on our journey. We also want to share an opportunity for others to understand that baldness does not have to mean sadness. Most of all we want to educate about Alopecia and create an opportunity to raise funds to help support research.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Update-treatment 4

Another treatment down today! Callie is very itchy and red. This is the most intense reaction she has had so far. I am wondering what this means? The dermatologist says we should give it a few more months before we stop for awhile. So we will keep the positive mojo flowing and forge ahead.
On a side note, we had a rough emotional week. Callie was in the play area with a friend at a restaurant for a kids night, when she barreled out of the door with tears down her face. After consoling her for a few minutes I realized that she had been made fun of when she took off her hat to beat the heat. First of all, I am proud that she is finally getting comfortable with her new appearance, but what a kick in the face. I reminded her that what was important was that she knew she was beautiful, smart, and perhaps the best little girl in the world. Then I told her to put up her chin, and keep playing with her friend. Inside I was crumbling, it's difficult to watch your child suffer for a condition you have zero control over.
Then I realized how lucky she is because twenty years from now her skin will be thick and she will surround herself with wonderfully supportive people. I know she will keep getting stronger! I also have to note that her friend had already leapt into action telling the child how mean their words were and how it hurt her feelings. What a courageous little girl (her parents should be so proud)! So it just shows me that Callie is finding those who have big hearts and she is making a difference even if it is just one child at a time. "Bald is beautiful". :-)

Friday, March 9, 2012


Callie had her third treatment today. So far no regrowth but the dermatologist said that it can take up to 10 treatments to see any results. The treatments make her head read and itchy, but it only lasts for around 5 days,so we are keeping positive. Callie has been talking about wigs but isn't ready to commit. Lol :-) she is getting more comfortable everyday with her beautiful baldness. She no longer wears a hat or bandana for school or gymnastics. She even forgets to put it on when we go out to eat or shopping. Her adjustment has been amazing. We still have Tina of bracelets for sale. We are working on filling a few orders we have received but we would love to fill more. So if you would like a few or know anyone who would like some please contact us. Thanks to everyone of you for your support. Our family has been strengthened by all of the positivity we have been surrounded with :-) bald is beautiful!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Callie's Bracelets

Callie's bracelets have arrived!!!  We are going to use these a way to raise funds and awareness for Alopecia.  All of the proceeds from the sale of these bracelets will be split and donated to two very important organizations.  The first is the National Alopecia Aereata Foundation (NAAF), which is responsible for research for treatments and hopefully someday a cure.  The other organization is the Children's Alopecia Project (CAP), this organization was created in order to raise awareness of the condition and to create support along with self-esteem for children who have the condition.  We have both children and adult sizes of bracelets and they are $3.00. each so please pass the word.  You can send your payment to: 3174 El Nino Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43204 and we'll get your order right out to you. BALD IS BEAUTIFUL :-)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Welcome to our new blog!! We are going to post as often as we can here about the Alopecia journey.  We hope that you enjoy hearing our story and updates on Callie.  Keep checking back about Callie's Bracelets :-)